hello beautiful. isn't my niece the prettiest baby? I am so in love with her. her precious smiles completely melt my heart and her little squeaks are so adorable {yes, I just said the baby squeaks.. I'm not sure why, but it sure is cute! she sounds like a little mouse} ...getting her dressed in beyond fun. even changing her diaper is fun {usually. although she does have this habit of deciding to pee the second the diaper comes off. that is sooo awesome. haha} she is seriously perfect though. sure, she doesn't sleep through the night. in fact, she is quite the little night owl. once midnight hits, it's charlotte's party time and bed doesn't come for another 2-3 hours after. but hey, hanging out with this cute baby through the middle of the night can also be quite fun, so no worries there either. she is easy going and overall, very quiet. her hair is the best. it has grown so much since she was born {I'm convinced it has anyway. I was looking through her "old" pictures...I definitely think it is now longer} she is getting bigger and stronger everyday. she fits into newborn clothes and diapers perfectly. they used to sort of swallow her whole, and I haven't thought of them as swallowing her for a few days now, so she must be growing. she has her two week check up at the pediatricians tomorrow... the little two week old baby that she is :) happy two weeks, charlotte jane! your auntie staci loves you so much and is loving watching you grow! and to my sarah and chayah back at home in the north, your sister staci adores you and can't wait to see you and wants you to hang out with you every. single. day. i miss you both beyond a ton and want you to come see me soon {tell mom and dad, girls!} also. I want to go to the beach. come visit and we will all go and it will be so incredibly much fun in beautiful warm southern weather!
oh, and the new blog layout? I was bored this afternoon with the lack of visitors at the house, no homework, and a sleeping baby... I'm pretty thrilled with it though and feel like my boredom turned out to be quite productive today :)
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