Impending arrival of niece #2 due any day now? Absolutely.
Evidently my ability to post on this blog is most aided by the expectation of arrival by newborn nieces. After all, it's a pretty grand and epic event. It was in February for Miss Charlotte's arrival and it will be again now in October for little Miss Aria's arrival! This family of mine is seriously blessed. We are blessed big time! Not just one little baby, but two! Is it just me or do things always seem to come in two's? Let's see... I have 2 older sisters, 2 younger sisters, 2 black labs in addition to 2 dogs belonging to sisters, 2 brother-in-laws.... hmm, what else? oh yes, 2 parents, and of course, 2 nieces! So many two's! I love all those two's though :) Slightly ironic that even my number in volleyball (my very short and not very long-lived sports endeavor) was a 2?
On other notes of interest, I am loving spending my days with the most precious seven month old Charlotte! I love her so much! Even when she pees on me (literally. why there was an absence of a diaper in this case completely escapes me). And dumps the can of ginger ale all over me and herself as we are sitting on an airplane and we are then soaked for the remainder of the flight. Those situations turn into the greatest memories though... I can't wait to tell her all these stories when she's all grown up and big :)
Speaking of "all grown up and big", I'm fairly certain that definitely describes two certain previously "little" girls who are now in the third grade and are getting super tall. It's so crazy how big they are but I couldn't possibly be more proud of them. They're amazing and I love my Sarah and Chayah so much!
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They're 8 and 10 years old now. So grown up! |
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Ahhh, all my girls together! We just need Baby Aria to join them now! |
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Sarah the Artist, hard at work. |
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Chayah is such a good helper! She takes care of Charlotte so well |
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Charlotte Jane, 7 months old |
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So blessed to be her auntie! I love this baby sooo much!! |
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Hanging out with these girls is my favorite. Also, Cabelas is a pretty fun store. |
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On the tram tour at the zoo! Great memories :) |
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The cutest little chicken, cow, and pig I've ever seen! :) |